How I wrote my first Poem

Writing my first poem came to me out of the blue. Recently, I have been thinking about the moment that I decided to say enough is enough and change the way I have been doing things my entire life. You have to understand that, the results you get in life are due to your actions and if you want something different, then you must do something different.

Everyone has many moments in their lives. There are a few defining moments that have the ability to change the course of our lives but we have to be open to the change and understand the opportunity.

Those moments are a blessing and a gift from a higher power trying to direct you in the way you need to go. You have to be willing to listen and be aware of the of what is going on, or else you will miss what life is trying to give to you.

Story about how I wrote my first poem

I was sitting at my desk daydreaming like most of us do while we work. Day dreaming about how my life has changed so much in the past few months. I started to think about what my life would be like 1 year from now and moved to 5 years and even 10 years from now.

It was a magnificent sight to see and I got extremely excited. Had a thought, I’ve got to write this down but I am not sure exactly how to put this into words. I started writing and the flow came out kind of like a poem. From there I decided to write it.

To be honest, I’ve never written a poem and didnt have any Idea if it was any good. I started to share it around with my family and on social media and people seemed to take great liking to it.

This was something that I had never done before and was somewhat easy for me to write. Never in my life would I have considered writing a poem. To me that just seemed lame. But it was something that brought me so much joy and I was so proud of myself.

The talents and abilities you have are things that you are naturally good at. Sometimes it takes a little bit of working on yourself to understand the natural talents and abilities.

Without further ado this is the poem:


There are many moments in our lives.

Some are happy moments.

Some are sad moments.

Some, are emotionally bad moments.

Moments that cause you to exclaim with joy.

Moments that hurt because you lost your favorite toy

Moments that hit down deep in your soul

That causes you to think “I can’t do it all”.

Where do we go from here you might say.

Don’t let your moments fall by the way.

Each moment is unique you see.

Even if they cause us to occasionally bleed.

You can’t take for granted the moments you get.

Because maybe that moment is the one that makes you rich.

If you learn anything about moments

And the ones that give you the most strife.

Learn that it only takes one,

 to change your whole life.


Find things that you are naturally good at. Take those things and develop them to the fullest. You will be amazed to see the drastic change your life has over the next few weeks and months. That is where your success lies. Then using those talents and abilities to help others is the way to build your legacy!

If you like the poem, feel free to share it with others!

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