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Free Online Books: Our Top 10 websites

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Want to start reading free online books?

 Well look no further, we have made it easier than ever. These are the top 10 free online book sites

We have taken the liberty of evaluating each by things like usability, community, and whether or not you will need to create an account to access the content.

  1. Goodreads
  3. Amazon Kindle
  4. Bookbub
  5. Google Books
  9. Project Gutenberg
  10. Hoopla

Want to download and Read Free Online Books?

There are many benefits to reading books online. For one, it is a time save. You don’t have to spend time hunting down the perfect book, buy it and realize you don’t like it. You can download the book and tell within the first 20-50 pages if you are going to be able to finish the book.

The second, is for convenience. Most, if not all, have their cell phone on them. Meaning, you can literally pull out your phone and start reading wherever you are. With a physical book, depending on how big it is, you cant lug it around everywhere you go. Unless you carry a bag.

Lastly, is the money and space. Buying books can get expensive. Especially if you are an avid and fast reader. You could be going through a book sometimes two a week.

6 Tips to read more books in 2023.

Even more than the money, what are you suppose to do with all those books. Unless you have a massive library and space for all your book, your are going to end up boxing them away and never reading them.

Why go through all that, when you can just download thousands of books on the topics or genres you love?

Now, enough yacking, let’s get to where you can download free books online.


Screenshot of Goodreads dashboard

Want to be apart of the worlds largest online book community?

Goodreads gives you the opportunity to see what is popular and what others are reading

You also have the ability to save the books you want to read and create a TBR or to be read list.

When you shelve a book to your read, want to read, or currently reading shelfs. Goodreads will notify you when those books are on sales or free to download. With over 18 million books shelved each month, you will be able to read the most in demand and popular books for a fraction of the price.

You can also be apart of an awesome community of book lovers, so that’s a plus!

Screenshot of dashboard

Great website to hop in and find exciting free books online.

They claim to have over 50000 free books to choose from and it is all 100% free. gives you the option whether to read it right there on their site or to download it if you are on the go.

Lay out is intuitive and user friendly. If you don’t mind ads popping up, then would be a perfect place to find free books.


Screenshot of AmazonKindle dashboard

Where would we be if Amazon didn’t provide a service, you are looking for. They do it all and they do it well. Amazon is always a great choice, but unfortunately you need to have a kindle book read in order to download those free books online.

If you have one, then great! That is where you should get your free books. If you don’t have one, you can purchase one here: Amazon Kindle. You can use your prime membership to have access to over 2000+ books according to People in an article written by Jessica Leigh Mattern.


Screenshot of Bookbub dashboard

Here is another great option for kindle readers or if you are thinking about purchasing a kindle. If you like to venture out and read new books, then Bookbub is for you!

You will need to sign up using your email address, but the service is free.

They do have quite a big selection of free books and thousands more for great deals. The website is user friendly, very clean, and overall a great experience to use.

Google Books

Screenshot of Google Books dashboard

Yup you read that right! Google has a whole search engine dedicated to books. All you have to do is type in google books into google search and click on the first link that pops up.

It will bring you to the google books search bar and type in free books. Then you are off to the races. If there is a certain book you are looking to read type that in.

For more information on Google Books take a look at an article written by Elliot Riley: “Your Guide To Free Google Books ( And Its Limitations)”

Screenshot of Freebooksy dashboard

If you are looking for a fresh way of picking a book then is the way to go. There process is simple.

You create an account, choose the genre you would be interested in reading, and they will send you free tailored ebooks straight to your door. How cool is that?

Freebooksy, is also kindle friendly!

When you subscribe you also have access to the free book of the day. Here is todays book:

Screenshot of Read any books dashboard

Read any book is exactly how it sounds. The only downside to this platform is it has to be read on the website. You are not able to download any of the work.

Many people question whether the site is legal and legitimate, but you can read here that they are. All of their work is uploaded to the website via their users. does not upload anything.

This website was created to give younger and small time artists the opportunity to shine.

You can also find some really popular names and books on this site.

If you are interested in reading free books online from young undiscovered talent and don’t mind reading it from your browser, then is the spot.

Screenshot of Open Librarys dashboard

This will take you back to when you were in the 4th grade going to the library and checking out a book. is simply just a library, but a digital one.

How it works is you create an account; you add books to your favorites list. If the book is available to read, you can check it out and start reading away. If the book is taken you will have to wait until it is returned. also has a wait list system. That way you don’t have to worry about never getting to read the books you want.

I really like and their mission. wants to make every work written work a digital copy and make it available to everyone.

Yes, it will take away from the experience of going to the library and picking out your book, but for convenience it is a fantastic option.

Project Gutenberg

Screenshot of Project Gutenbergs dashboard

Michael S. Hart, the founder of Project Gutenberg created the first ebook on July 4th, 1971.

Read more about this lasting innovation

PG is the first of its kind, with over 60,000 ebooks for free download. It was also built by volunteers.

All new ebooks are uploaded by the volunteering public. They are always looking for help. If you have any questions or have uploaded and worked with ebooks before, check out this page.

The site does look like it was created in 1971 but they have kept up with the times. PG is optimized, allowing you the ability to download into any format and sync up with your E-reader.

It is also free to use, no registration required.


Screenshot of Hooplas dashboard

We have reached our last recommendation for free online books. Hoopla is similar to as it too is a online library. Except with many different modes of consuming content like: Music, audiobooks, and even comics to their patrons.

Sign up is required.

This website is user-friendly and does have the ability to download on your smartphone.


These are the top 10 websites in no specific order. Get your free online books today!

It has never been easier to read, but still, many don’t. My hope is that bringing awareness to these free resources will allow people to start reading. Maybe instead of watching Tik Tok or scrolling through Facebook people may choose to read and learn something new.

If you enjoyed this and know somebody who is looking for free online books, share this with them!

If there is a site that I missed that you love using, please comment below and let the readers know!

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