Can one get rich by thinking?

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The Science of Getting Rich” – Summary

“The Science of Getting Rich” a book written by Wallace Wattles in 1910 outlines the step by step process to becoming rich and wealthy.

Wattles explains that there is a “certain way” to becoming wealthy. Some individuals are able to do this without ever knowing how they did it. For most, the “certain way” doesn’t come natural but can be learned through implementation and daily practice.

Throughout the book Wattles discusses the principles and laws of becoming rich. Just like there are laws of gravity, the law of supply and demand, and the law of attraction. There are laws that govern becoming rich and those laws must be obeyed. If one obeys those laws then one can most definitely get rich.

If you fail to obey the laws of wealth or laws of money, then the reverse effect will happen. Your current situation will stay the same and in some cases get worse.

Although this book is over 100 years old, Wallace Wattles was no stranger to the “law of attraction”. If one thinks about becoming rich, then the universe itself will align the opportunities up just right for you to take advantage.

“The Science of Getting Rich” is book that many of the self-help gurus recommend if you are looking to change your financial situation. Bob proctor actually wrote a book call “The Secret of the Science of Getting Rich” which outlines Wallace Wattles version and explains in deeper context and gives more up to date examples.

Results From Reading “The Science Of Getting rich”

“No one ought to be satisfied with a little if he is capable of using and enjoying more” This quote comes from the bottom of the very first page. As someone who grew up in middle class America, we were always taught to be happy with what you have. To even think about wanting more was a sin in itself and not everyone gets to be rich.

When I read those words, they gave me the assurance that the feelings I was having, were in fact normal. I could finally start understanding that the desires to obtain riches was my subconscious saying I was capable of more.

“Desire is possibility seeking expression or function seeking performance”. So, If I were to internalize those words, that would mean my desires were seeking a way to actualize themselves.

So I did as the book suggest and start to visualize being wealthy and amazing things started to happen in my life. I started a blog, started reading a couple books a week and started having ideas flood into my mind. My sleep improved, my bad habits started to diminish, and was able to get myself up at 5 am. These are all things I have worked on for years but could never stay consistent.

If you ask me, this book has been pivotal in my transformation.


The author does a really great job at inspiring his readers. As you read along, you start to believe that anyone can get rich by simply thinking about getting rich.

Although, there is much more to getting rich besides thinking. Wattles does and excellent job of laying out the frame work and walking the reading through each process.

This book is not very long, it is only 98 pages long. The entire book is jam packed with quotes like this “no one is kept in poverty by the shortness of riches, there is more than enough for all”.

If you are looking for a book that will help you with evolving your mindset around money and how to create it. This book is a gem.


As I was reading, I kept thinking “I wish he would point out some examples of someone who did this and changed their life.” With that being said, there are many examples of people who became rich by shifting their mindsets. If you did a simple google searched. you’d problem come up with thousands of results. So, there is some basis to it.

Wattles does refer to God a lot throughout the book. If you don’t believe in God or aren’t very religious then I could see how you may think its a bit of a whimsical read.

This book was written in 1910, which means some of the teachings may not transfer over into todays reality.

My Recommendation

I recommend this book to everyone who is looking for a change in mindset, Especially if you are not a big reader. In some cases self-help books, or books in general, can be massive and tough to read through. Wattles does a great job at keeping the language concise and applicable to anyone. It doesn’t matter if you are poor or rich, these teaching I believe can help you improve your situation. Regardless of what they currently are.

I have seen massive changes in my ability to persevere through challenges or roadblocks that come in my way. I will leave you with another quote from this book, it is one of my favorites.

“You may not have friends, influences, or resources, but if you do things in this way, you must infallibly begin to get rich. For like causes must produce like effects.”

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