Finding time to read on a busy schedule is not easy. Most days are filled with work, getting kids dressed, and ready for school. Things like projects around the house, spending time with friends, networking, and many other activities.
You may think I am joking when I say this, but as soon as I made time to read every day things started falling into place. My schedule was more organized, my mood was better, ideas came flowing, and I could even start waking up at 5 in the morning.
Here is a free checklist of books I read to help me get started!
Even my relationship with my family drastically improved because my mood was better. Reading has changed my life in so many ways. None of the changes resulted in me being too busy to find the time.
If you want to do more reading in 2023, then do it. I implemented these tips in my daily life and it has helped me read 5-10 books a month. They can help you too if you simply just act on them.
Schedule time to read

Without a specific time dedicated to reading, you will simply be going through the day trying to find the time. If you are constantly searching for the time, you will never be consistent with it. Start small. Figure out how long it takes you to read 10 pages. Once you have that time put it on your calendar.
Once you have pinpointed the exact time of day, write it down and stick to it. If you miss once that is fine, but don’t miss twice. Missing twice will only result in you creating a habit of not reading again.
Finding Time to Read in the Morning
Reading in the morning is my personal favorite. When I wake up, I am so excited to read my book, it is the first thing that I do. I typically like to work out in the morning. I make myself a prework out and read about 10 pages while I drink my pre and wait for it to kick in. Read more about my morning routine here!
If you don’t have time to read in the morning, wake up earlier. There are reasons why successful people wake up between 5 am to 6 am. It is because they are dedicated to doing things most aren’t willing to do.
I wake up at 5 am every morning. It is the best time to read because the entire house is asleep. The whole neighborhood is asleep. It is so quiet and serene. It is proven that reading in the morning helps with focus, motivation, inspiration, and creativity. Want to kick butt in your day job? Start waking up earlier and reading 10 pages a day, it will change your life.
Finding Time to Read at night
Reading at night can be difficult. From the day’s activities, you are probably worn out and ready to get some shut-eye. If you want to set on finding time to read more then reading before bed is the best way to get some pages in.
About 4 months ago, I decided I wanted to take charge of my day and create a killer morning and night routine. Before I get into bed, I plug my phone in, away from my bed out of reach. I grab the book I am reading and set the book where I use to plug my phone in. Instinctively reach over to grab where my phone used to be and grab the book. I pick it up and read it for at least 30 minutes. Sometimes if the book is good, I will read for an hour.
One of the things you might need if you are married or live with someone is a reading light. Here is the one that I use: Reading Light. My wife would ask me every 10 minutes or so “are you almost done?” Since buying the reading light, I can read all night and she wouldn’t even know.
If you struggle to fall asleep reading before bed is proven to be a natural remedy for the issue. According to Headspace. Reading before will help you reduce mental chatter, help your brain fall into a quiet relaxed state, and allow you to drift off to sleep. You can read more about better habits right before bed here 3 Easy Steps to Fall Asleep Faster At Night
Listen to audiobooks in the car

Audiobooks are a great way to fill your time when you are stuck in traffic or have a long commute to work. Most people listen to the radio or play their greatest hits list to get them stoked for work. In some cases, you might listen to music to escape the reality of having to go to a job you don’t love. I have been there at it was not fun.
According to AAA NewsRoom on average, U.S. drivers spend nearly an hour behind the wheel each day and travel 31.5 miles
Think about that for a second. That is 365 hours a year spent in the car on average. 365 hours a year times let’s say you live to 80 and you are 30 years old right now. That is 18,250 hours in your life spent driving. Roughly 760 days. Even if you only elected to listen to an audiobook or something information for half of those days, just think of how much more you could learn.
Listen to Audio books while Working out

Another thing I opted to do is listen to audiobooks while exercising. You may think that I am insane at this point, but they get me more excited and pumped than listening to music. Generally, you will want to listen to something inspirational like Never Finished by David Goggin or Secrets of the millionaire mind by T Harv Eker.
This will ensure that you don’t get bored and that you want to listen. Find something that you need to work on while working on your physical body.
There’s no need to cut out music completely, just be mindful that audiobooks are an option.
Carry your book everywhere you go

There’s nothing worse than plopping on the couch and thinking, you wish you had your book to read. Then simply proceeding to turn the tv on because you don’t feel like getting the book. Therefore, you should always bring the book with you wherever you go.
If you get up to go to the bathroom, grab your book and take it with you. Give yourself the option to read instead of mindlessly scrolling on your phone.
It is like if you only have snack foods in your house, what are you most likely to eat? Snacks.
That is why you make sure to have a mix of healthy options to give yourself the choice to eat healthily. Now some people are addicted a may need to only have healthy food options. Same thing with reading and with screens. If you never choose to read and only choose to scroll or watch tv in your downtime, you may need to substitute it entirely.
At least for a little while so you can build a new habit. Then you can slowly work on those things you use to do to fill your time.
When I was working on creating a reading habit, I got rid of the apps on my phone that were consuming my time. Then once I have established the habit, I was able to re-download them. Some I didn’t download back because they served no purpose.
Finding Time to Read In the Car
No one is saying you must read your book while driving. Because frankly, that wouldn’t be safe. Having a book in the car gives you the option to pick it up and start reading while you are waiting for your spouse to finish shopping. Maybe you spend 30 minutes a day waiting for your child in the school pick-up line.
Remember it is all about giving yourself the option to read more. If it is something you want to do, you must replace that activity with the activities you normally do.
Finding Time to Read on Business Trips

I recently got back from a business trip and was gone for 4 days. I brought 5 books. Why? I knew I would never read them all, but I wanted to have options in case I read one or two of them.
Yes, your day is often filled with meetings and other work functions. But the best time to get some reading done is on an airplane or in a hotel room when it’s peaceful and quiet.
Our day was pretty much planned out for us for the 4 days. We would get 15-minute breaks here and there, which most people use to take a quick nap, scroll on their phone, or chit-chat in the halls with their friends
In most cases, I would find a quiet spot or head back to my room to get a quick reading session in. You don’t have to read for an hour for it to be a successful day of reading. If you can only get a few pages in with your current schedule, then just read those few pages. Don’t opt to not do it because you only have 10-15 minutes of free time.
Finding Time to Read at Lunch
What better way to escape from your daily work than to escape in a book during lunch? If you get an hour for work, then you have at least 10 minutes you could spend engaged in some much need reading time.
Break down your lunch hour. 20 minutes for eating, 20 minutes for mingling, 10 minutes for scrolling on the phone, and 10 minutes for reading.
An hour is a long time, if you schedule it out and break it up into pieces you can find some good quality reading time before getting back to work.
Substitute scrolling for reading

One of the biggest time wasters in today’s world is the phone. Watching hours of tv shows is a close second. There is nothing wrong with scrolling on your phone and engaging with social media. There is also nothing wrong with watching tv.
The problem comes from when you say you don’t have time to read but spend 3 – 5 hours engaging in mindless activity.
You will be amazed at how many books you can read if you just take one of the hours you spend on the phone or in front of the tv to read.
If you were to look at your screen time right now, you would be shocked to see your daily average. I bet it is anywhere between 2 ½ – 6 hours. Mine was 7 – 8 hours a day before I started swapping that time for reading.
I eventually got it down to under 2 hours a day. I am not saying you can’t enjoy scrolling on your phone. All I am saying is to find more time to read throughout the day you need to substitute a couple of things here and there to do it.
Set a Goal for how much you want to read
Lastly, set a goal for how much you want to read. Saying you want to read more isn’t a goal. You must tell your subconscious mind exactly what you want to make a change.
Make a goal to read 10 pages a day or 30 minutes a day. If that is too much, do 5 pages or 20 minutes. Understand what desired outcome you want to achieve from reading. What is your purpose for reading more?
Understanding the why behind reading will help you do it on the days you don’t feel like it. Having a specific schedule and a goal around it will help you stick with it long enough to make it a habit.
In conclusion, no one can help you read more. Finding time to read can be difficult. Especially when more responsibility is thrown on your shoulders.
The point is you are the only one who can make the change. The above are just tips I have used to help me find the time. Whether you implement them or believe they will work, is only dependent on you trying them.
When you look back a year from now, do you want to say, “I read 30 books this year” or do you want to say, “I didn’t read a single book to completion”? The choice is yours.
Just know, there is enough time in the day to get it done. I was a nonbeliever for a long time, but it was just an excuse I would tell myself to make myself feel better. Don’t be like me, read all you can, and do it every day without fail.